So, the other day I was messing around with some DIY stuff at home, you know, the usual weekend warrior type of deal. I got this idea to use silicone to make some brick-like things. Yeah, sounds kinda weird, but I saw some cool stuff online and figured, why not give it a shot?
First, I gathered all my stuff. I had a bunch of silicone sealant lying around – the kind you use for, like, fixing door frames and stuff. I also grabbed some molds. I didn’t have real brick molds, so I just used some old plastic containers. Not the prettiest, but it’s what I had on hand, you know?

Next, I started mixing. Now, I’m no expert, but I figured the silicone wouldn’t just magically turn into a brick shape on its own. So I dumped a bunch of silicone into one of my containers and stirred it up. It was kinda messy, and the silicone was, well, pretty sticky. It looked a bit gross.
- Filled the mold carefully.
- Waited what felt like forever for it to dry.
- Peeled off the mold.
Then came the fun part – or so I thought. I filled up my makeshift molds with the silicone goop. I tried to make them look somewhat like bricks, but let’s just say my artistic skills are, uh, questionable. After that, it was a waiting game. I left them out to dry for a whole day.
Finally, the moment of truth. I went back to check on my “bricks.” They were, well, solid. I guess that’s a win. I carefully peeled off the plastic containers, and there they were – my silicone bricks. They weren’t perfect, a little uneven in some parts, and definitely not something you’d use to build a house. But, hey, they kinda looked like bricks, in a weird, abstract kind of way. They were rubbery and bouncy.
So, there you have it, my little adventure with silicone bricks. It was fun, a bit messy, and the results were, let’s say, unique. I learned that you can make some odd things with silicone and a bit of imagination. Would I do it again? Maybe. If I had better molds and maybe a bit more patience. But for now, I’m just glad I didn’t burn the house down or anything.
I found some online shops that sell these things, but I’m a do it yourself kind of guy. I would say to do this I think you really need to want to do it yourself because it isn’t easy!
Anyway, that’s my story. Hope you got a kick out of it. Maybe it’ll inspire you to try some crazy DIY stuff too. Just, you know, be careful. And don’t blame me if things get a little weird.

Important things to keep in mind
- It is sticky
- It takes a while to dry
- It might not turn out how you expect!