So, I had this project the other day, and I was like, “What’s the deal with bricks? Which ones should I use?” I mean, it’s not like I’m building a whole castle, but you know, you want stuff to last, right?
I did some digging around, just to see what’s up. Turns out, there’s a whole bunch of different bricks out there. Who knew?

First thing I did was just poking around to get the lay of the land. Then I started thinking about what I actually needed. Like, is it for a wall? Is it gonna be out in the rain? You know, basic stuff. And yeah, I wanted them to look decent, too.
What I found out is that those old-school burnt clay bricks, they’re pretty solid. They’ve been around forever, it seems. They make ’em by cooking clay in a big oven, basically. And they come out all strong and, well, brick-colored.
- Checked out a few different kinds, but the clay ones seemed like the way to go.
- Looked into how they’re made, and it’s pretty straightforward.
- Figured they’d be good for what I needed, which was just a small wall, really.
So, I went with the burnt clay bricks. Seemed like the best bet, you know? Durable, they look okay, and they don’t cost an arm and a leg. They also are good with temperature changes, and they are sound insulators.
My Takeaway
In the end, it wasn’t rocket science. Just a bit of looking around, thinking about what I needed, and picking something that seemed like it would do the job. And the burnt clay bricks? They did alright. They also can last for a long long time.