So, I’ve always wanted one of those cool brick ovens in my backyard, you know, for making pizzas and bread and stuff. I figured, why not give it a shot and build one myself? Let me tell you, it was quite the adventure, but totally worth it.
Decide What You Want
First things first, I had to decide what I really wanted to use this oven for. Mostly pizzas, but I love baking bread too. That helped me figure out the size and shape I needed.

Draw a Sketch
Next up, I drew up some rough sketches. Nothing fancy, just something to get an idea of what I was going for. I also looked at some pictures online for inspiration. I must say, this part was kind of fun, letting the imagination run wild.
Gather Stuff
Then, it was time to gather all the stuff I needed. Bricks, obviously – firebricks for the inside ’cause they can handle the heat. I also got some regular bricks, cement, sand, and a few other bits and pieces. You wouldn’t believe how much stuff you need for this kind of project!
Make a Strong Base
I started by making a solid base. This is super important, guys. I dug out a spot and poured in a concrete foundation. I made sure it was level – wouldn’t want a wonky oven, right? I waited a few days for it to fully dry. This was probably the most boring part, waiting is not my strong suit.
Start Building the Oven
Now for the fun part – building the actual oven. I started laying the firebricks in a circle for the oven chamber, using a special kind of mortar that can stand the heat. I took my time with this, making sure each brick was snug and secure. It was like a big, round puzzle.
Build the Walls
After the base layer, I started building up the walls, slowly shaping the dome. I used some wood pieces to help hold the shape while the mortar dried. It was tricky, but seeing it come together was so satisfying.
Add Finishing
Once the dome was done, I added a chimney and a door. I used some regular bricks around the outside to make it look nice. This part was a bit more forgiving since it didn’t have to be as heat-resistant.

Wait for it to Dry
Finally, I let the whole thing dry for a couple of weeks. I know, more waiting! But it’s important, you don’t want to rush it. During this time, I cleaned up the mess I made and admired my handiwork.
Fire it Up!
And at last, the moment of truth! I built a small fire inside to test it out. It worked like a charm! I’ve made so many pizzas and loaves of bread since then. It’s such a great feeling, cooking in an oven you built yourself.
Honestly, building a brick oven is a big project, and it’s not exactly easy. It took a lot of time and effort, and yeah, I made a few mistakes along the way. But it was such a rewarding experience. If you’re thinking about doing it, I say go for it! Just be prepared for some hard work, and you’ll end up with something really special.